Happy businessman sitting and talking on the phone at office

Case Studies

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Case Studies

Helping All Types of Companies To Drive Efficiency

STS has worked with all types of different and unique business types to move forward efficient projects. With different business models, come very different ways of using energy. The solutions that work well for a large manufacturer may not be a good fit for a chain of retail stores. The STS team is mindful of this when engineering solutions for different commercial entities.

Below is a breakdown of the different types of companies that STS has worked with, followed by a carousel of case studies. If you don’t see one that is pertinent to your type of business, send us an email to connect and our team can provide a case study that can help you visualize how STS will be the right partner for your organizations goals and objectives.


Laughing businesswomen high fiving together in an office
Laughing businesswomen high fiving together in an office

Customer Success Stories


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