
Alabama Energy Resource Page

Information about the state

How Does Alabama Use Energy?

On this page, you can find information and resources on the State of Alabama, and its energy use.


Consumption Ranking

Alabama ranks # 12th in Total Energy Per Capita

Production Rankings

Alabama ranks # 14th in Total Energy Production

Energy Prices

Alabama ranks # 25th in electricity prices, and # 19th in natural gas prices.

Carbon Emissions

Alabama ranks # 15th in carbon emissions.



Quick Facts
  • Alabama ranks sixth among the states in the production of electricity, and the state’s total electricity consumption per capita is the seventh-highest in the nation.
  • In 2023, Mobile was the largest port of entry for U.S. coal imports and the fourth-largest port for U.S. coal exports. About 90% of the coal mined in Alabama is exported.
  • Alabama is the fourth-largest producer of electricity from nuclear power in the nation. The state’s Browns Ferry nuclear power plant, with three reactors, is the third-largest U.S. nuclear electric generating facility by net summer capacity.
  • Alabama is the fifth-largest hydroelectric power producer among the states. Twenty-three hydroelectric dams provided about 6% of the state’s electricity net generation in 2023.
  • Alabama has the fourth-lowest average gasoline prices among the states, but it is highest in the nation in per capita annual gasoline expenditures.
State Specific

Energy Services

Programs & Solutions Available to Alabama Energy Consumers

Sustainability Software

Washington leads the nation in electricity generation from hydroelectric power and accounted for about 31% of the nation’s total hydroelectric generation in 2022.48 The state was second in the nation, after Texas, in utility-scale renewable generation from all sources. In 2022, Washington produced one-tenth of the nation’s total renewable-sourced utility-scale electricity generation


Renewable Energy Credits

Carbon Offset Solution

In 2022, hydroelectric power accounted for 67% of Washington’s total electricity net generation from both utility-scale (1 megawatt or larger) and small-scale (less than 1 megawatt) facilities.22 Washington typically contributes between one-fourth and one-third of all conventional hydroelectric generation in the nation annually, and 9 of the state’s 10 largest power plants by capacity and 7 of the 10 by actual generation are hydroelectric facilities.


Automated Demand Response

Washington has no natural gas reserves or production.93 However, the state has one underground natural gas storage field, the Jackson Prairie Gas Storage Facility located in western Washington. It has a total storage capacity of about 47 billion cubic feet.94,95,96 Canada supplies most of the natural gas that Washington uses. Almost two-thirds of the natural gas that enters the state comes from Idaho and most of that is originally from Canada


Utility Cost Recovery

Washington has no natural gas reserves or production.93 However, the state has one underground natural gas storage field, the Jackson Prairie Gas Storage Facility located in western Washington. It has a total storage capacity of about 47 billion cubic feet.94,95,96 Canada supplies most of the natural gas that Washington uses. Almost two-thirds of the natural gas that enters the state comes from Idaho and most of that is originally from Canada


Midstream Efficiency Incentives

Washington has no natural gas reserves or production.93 However, the state has one underground natural gas storage field, the Jackson Prairie Gas Storage Facility located in western Washington. It has a total storage capacity of about 47 billion cubic feet.94,95,96 Canada supplies most of the natural gas that Washington uses. Almost two-thirds of the natural gas that enters the state comes from Idaho and most of that is originally from Canada


Community Solar

Washington has no natural gas reserves or production.93 However, the state has one underground natural gas storage field, the Jackson Prairie Gas Storage Facility located in western Washington. It has a total storage capacity of about 47 billion cubic feet.94,95,96 Canada supplies most of the natural gas that Washington uses. Almost two-thirds of the natural gas that enters the state comes from Idaho and most of that is originally from Canada


Green Energy Procurement

Washington has no natural gas reserves or production.93 However, the state has one underground natural gas storage field, the Jackson Prairie Gas Storage Facility located in western Washington. It has a total storage capacity of about 47 billion cubic feet.94,95,96 Canada supplies most of the natural gas that Washington uses. Almost two-thirds of the natural gas that enters the state comes from Idaho and most of that is originally from Canada

Alabama State Energy Resources

Click on one of the banners below to go to the Alabama Energy Agency:


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